16th Alps-Adria Workshop
2017. April 11., Tuesday, 14:10

The 16th Alps-Adria Workshop – Synergism in Science was organized by Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Opatija, Croatia.

The researchers of NAIK Research Department of Irrigation and Water Management (ÖVKI) were participated with the presentations below:

  • Csaba Bozán – János Körösparti – Gábor Andrási – Norbert Túri – László Pásztor: Inland excess water hazard on the flat lands in Hungary
  • Mihály JANCSÓ, Árpád SZÉKELY, Tímea SZALÓKI, Csaba LANTOS, János PAUK - Performance of rice varieties under aerobic conditions in Hungary
  • Árpád Székely – Tímea Szalóki – János Pauk – Mihály Jancsó: Effect of salinity on rice (Oryza sativa L.) in seedling stage
  • Ágnes Kun – Csaba Bozán – Károly Barta – Mária Bíróné Oncsik: The effects of waste water irrigation on the yield of energy willow and soil sodicity.

The presentations are available to download at the link below:

From the NAIK ÖVKI researchers, Miss Ágnes Kun and Mr. Mihály Jancsó were awarded with the Prizes of Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

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A NAIK ÖVKI Környezetanalitikai Központ Vizsgáló Laboratórium a koronavírus kapcsán kialakult helyzetre tekintettel csak előzetes, telefonon történő egyeztetést követően tud mintát fogadni.  

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